At Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, we have dedicated the last few weeks of  winter’s chill to bringing you information that could create your new look for spring.See your fearless renewal options for timeless beauty this Spring at Orlando Cosmetic Clinic.

Easter is here early this year, but the calendar and the budding flowers are telling us that it won’t be long until spring is in full bloom. Your mind might not be straying to an Easter Bonnet, but your restless spirit (and your mirror) might be whispering that it is time to rejuvenate your identity.

With spring comes a sense of renewal and rebirth.

Thus we have focused this blog these last few weeks on procedures for renewing, refreshing and revitalizing your look.

This could mean simple non-invasive procedures such as the amazing skin treatments from our own certified aesthetician, Lea Spotto.

Likewise, you might spuce up your look for spring, with no downtime, by using Dr. Cicilioni’s artistic touches for your face, with Botox and fillers.

All Eyes On You:  Refreshed and Rested!

Your new look for spring and summer might involve something a little more surgical, so we recently brought you news on blepharoplasty, a very popular procedure which reduces the puffy bags and lines above and below your eyes.

Ironically, we now have a new issue of Plastic Surgery Practice, which highlights this procedure with graphic descriptions and information.  For some patients in-depth knowledge alleviates fear and misgivings.  Deep readers might want to know about all the different techniques surgeons utilize blepharoplasty.

Whatever the unique style of the procedure, Dr. Cicilioni’s  goal will be  to restore a youthful and rested appearance to  eyes  that appear aged and anxious. Discussing goals brings you confidence in your fearless new look before you even see it.

The article is proof positive that, just like Photoshop and intricate marble sculpting, every cosmetic procedure promotes individualized approaches, personalized steps and customized solutions.

With his years of experience and talent, Dr. Orlando Cicilioni’s blepharoplasty can lift and smooth away the damage of years from your eye area–without destroying the underlying physical appearance that is your identity.

Fearless Renewal means deep discussion with doctor before planning cosmetic surgery.

At Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Orlando Cicilioni believes in patient-centered, highly individualized care before, during and after your surgery.

You will be relieved to know that he also does not undertake such procedures as blepharoplasty without in-depth consultation about your skin type and texture as well as your goals for the outcome.

Inspiring Confidence Through Cosmetic Procedures

Likewise, when your new or renewed look demands breast surgery, you are in experienced and aesthetic hands with Dr. Cicilioni.  Just in time for the body conscious fabrics and styles of spring, women are enhancing orfirming up their curves.

If you missed it, we invite you to read our recent article involving breast surgeries.

Do not think you are alone if you are considering creating a better silhouette for your chest. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that there were 286,254 breast augmentations last year.

You and Dr. Cicilioni will discuss many options before this procedure, including the option for breast lift, using either your own breast tissue or beautiful new implants.

By the way, you are right on trend if you have been considering a breast lift. There were 92,724 breast lifts by qualified cosmetic surgeons in 2014.

He also has a deep and special regard for those patients who have suffered or are diagnosed with breast cancer. If you are planning mastectomy, or have recovered from one, and you want to plan your

reconstruction, we hope you will talk to Dr. Cicilioni.

Orlando Cosmetic Surgery uplifts your confidence with breast lift or augmentation surgery.

Experts say, “Breast reconstruction has improved so much in recent years, largely due to surgical innovations.”
Denise Mann, editor of Plastic Surgery Practice, added, “There was a 21% increase in breast reconstruction.”


At Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Orlando Cicilioni believes in patient-centered, highly individualized care before, during and after your surgery.

You will be relieved to know that he also does not undertake such procedures as blepharoplasty without in-depth consultation about your skin type and texture as well as your goals for the outcome.

from 2000 to 2013, according to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

He also stated wisely, “We are now witnessing a paradigm shift as these surgeries are no longer considered solely reconstructive, but aesthetic procedures as well.”

Today’s surgeons know what you want and need after undergoing your fight with cancer and winning. Reconstruction can be the last step in closure after cancer.

Soul Searching For the Spirit of Self -Confidence

At Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, breast reconstruction goes much deeper than “skin deep.” Dr. Cicilioni will talk to you, not only about the surgery itself, about restoring your self-confidence, feeling whole and feminine, again after breast reconstruction.

Whether you see him for breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reconstruction, Dr. Cicilioni will bring you the natural looking, gentle swell, the youthful volume, and the soft shape that has become the classic standard of feminine beauty for centuries.

Denise Mann put it this way: “Today’s breast reconstruction patients expect to look even better than they did before their mastectomy.”

With the help of Dr. Orlando Cicilioni and his team at Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, you can!




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