Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, has dedicated the last two blogs to some basic facts about rhinoplasty, the surgery that reshapes your nose. To return to Part One, you can click here. If you missed Part Two, please click here. Welcome to Part Three of our series on this life-changing, confidence building procedure. Once you study our small “Anatomy Of A Nose Lesson,” you can ask better questions of your doctor, and you will also have more confidence in the surgery.
We believe that the more you know about your surgery, the more comfortable you will become. So, below is a selection of terms you should know. We have also provided a diagram as a page on this blog, and you can study it by clicking here.
• Cartilage: Connective tissue that forms the structure of the nose.
• Columella: The narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils.
• Deviated septum: This happens when the cartilage that separates the nostrils is misaligned which may cause partial nasal airway obstruction.
• General anesthesia: Drugs and/or gases used during an operation to relieve pain and alter consciousnes
• Hematoma: Blood pooling beneath the skin. (Commonly, you might call this a bruise. Yes, it is common to have some bruising for a week or two after a rhinoplasty)
• Intravenous sedation: Sedatives administered by injection into a vein to help you relax. (You won’t count very many sheep before you fall asleep or into a pleasantly drowsy state.)
• Local anesthesia: A drug injected directly to the site of an incision during an operation to relieve pain. (It might honestly sting a little, but then it will be painlessly numb.)
• Rhinoplasty: Surgery to reshape the nose. This might be all or part of the surgery to produce a beautiful new look for you. Knowing these basic anatomy terms will help you understand the two major types of rhinoplasty: Open and Closed. To learn the difference, we invite you to both read and observe an beautiful, explanatory video from the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, by clicking here. (This is not a surgical film, but it utilizes charts, animation, diagrams, art and narration, to explain the posibilities and procedures involved in re-shaping your nose.)
Sometimes surgeons use a technique known as “nasal memory surgery.” In this style of rhinoplasty, the surgeon gently shapes the tissues of the nose in such a delicate way that the procedure gives the nose a new “memory” of a more pleasing shape. This differs from the techniques in times past, when surgeons might remove a large amount of tissue in order to make the nose smaller and more attractive. Today rhionoplasty has become much more refined and the results have become very natural looking.
At Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, your doctor will explain the details of the type of rhinoplasty that is right for you. As we said last week, this surgery is often done as a part of facelift, or it might include adjusting another feature, such as a facial implant.
For beauty and balance, it is no surprise that more and more Americans are electing to have chin implants, but that is the subject of next week’s blog! We thank you for reading our blog today and we hope you will return often. Please click on one of our social net work buttons and share the good news about Rhinoplasty with your friends.