It has been described as cute, pert, perky, sculpted, elegant, sharp or bulbous, and it sits in the middle of every human face. Of course “it” is the nose. Recently rhinoplasty has been showcased in Cosmopolitan, Vogue, and the cosmetic surgery magazine, New You. This procedure remains one of the most popular elective surgeries for patients who want to enhance their facial beauty.

Basically, Rhinoplasty surgically improves the shape and size of the nose. Modern surgical techniques have made rhinoplasty very different from your cookie cutter “nose job” of 50 years ago.  Your surgeon sculpts the nose contour of the bone and cartilage to give your nose a more pleasing shape. You can read more details by clicking here. In addition to cosmetic improvement, Rhinoplasty is also an operation that might be used to correct breathing or sinus trouble, as in the case of a “deviated septum.”

Most incisions (seamless rhinoplasty) are placed inside the nose where they are invisible. Patients also love seamless nose surgery because post-surgical discomfort is minimized. Depending on your surgical goals, “seamless” rhinoplasty might be a option for you.

As with all such surgery, we of the Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, llc, realize that every case is different. A great source for more study can be found here. You and your doctor will discuss your surgical hopes during an extensive consultation. For more information already available on this site, click on this resource. You will be most successful if you maintain specific, but realistic, goals for your “new look.”

It is normal in the course of aging, for the tip of the nose to begin to droop. In this case, rhinoplasty is often only one of the elements of your facial rejuvenation. Your look can be revitalized when rhinoplasty is combined with other age correcting surgical procedures.

Even if you are correcting your nose for reasons other than age, you should ask the doctor’s opinion about additional surgery that will add balance and harmony to all the features of your individual face. According to the American Academy of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, “Many patients have chin augmentation in conjunction with rhinoplasty to create a better balance of features.”

Here in Orlando, we promise you candid and thoughtful advice as to whether or not additional surgeries should be considered in conjunction with rhinoplasty. As you view your nose in the mirror, think carefully about the following menu of possible improvements:

• Proportion: Perhaps your nose is too large or to small in relation to your other facial structures.

• Nose Width: Adjustment can be created at the bridge.

• Nose Profile: Your surgeon can correct those large humps or sloping depressions on the bridge or your nose.

• The Tip of the “Iceberg:” Rhinoplasty will help a bulbous, drooped, or overly upturned appearance at the tip of the nose.

• Nostrils: Sometimes corrections are necessary in the structure of the nostrils. Some nostrils are large, flare wide, or turn up. Rhinoplasty can help that.

For many patients, rhinoplasty or “nose reshaping” provides a key to a better appearance and more self confidence. Today’s delicate rhinoplasty requires the utmost experience and skill of the plastic surgeon’s art and science. With the doctors and staff of Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, llc, your rhinoplasty will result in a natural looking nose that compliments all your facial features. For some deeper reading, click here.

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