![Get Ready for Your Valentine With Lip Enhancement...](https://orlandocicilioni.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/iStock-503913874-300x200.jpg)
Perfect, full Lips! Get close and personal with your Valentine! Lip Enhancement from Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, LLC...
In keeping with our commitment to update your knowledge with national trends, we often update lip trends in the last days of January. Why?
February contains one of our most favorite holidays of love and beauty. Surely you have noticed the glittery hearts and papery flowers everywhere. This is the perfect time for you to put your lips in their best shape for the all important Day of Love and Kisses, Valentine’s Day.
It’s Time to get your lips ready to invite those Kisses from your Valentine Sweetheart, or those shy, dear pecks from the grand-children who bring you their construction paper hearts.
Pout Perfection
Well defined, voluptuous lips are just as important in 2017 as they were last year.
As this blog has stated previously, “Plush or pouty, cupid’s bow or arched and pillowy, voluptuous, well defined-lips are enjoying a big moment in beauty, style, art and fashion.” Likewise, women are mandating more than liner, lipstick and gloss to create their look.”
It’s In Your Kiss
![Polish Your look from Plain to Pouty.](https://orlandocicilioni.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/iStock-505695014-300x200.jpg)
Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, LLC, helps you decide on your Valentine Look.
We have plenty of beautifully shaped lips and treasured lips in the constellation of our Hollywood stars. Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Garner, Beyonce, and Lisa Rinna,” and of course, this year’s goddess of the lip cult, Kylie Kenner.
With one appeal being visible in the Celebrity world, the second most noticeable appeal comes from ordinary people who delight in creating selfies–previously known as self portraits.
One Size Won’t Fit All
The Doctors and staff at Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, won’t hand you a Menu of Lip Looks. We believe in enhancing lips as they fit into your facial features. Here, we can advise you about gently enhancing the guidelines of your natural shape, color, and size.
![Orlando's Pride In Lip Beauty.](https://orlandocicilioni.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/iStock-510959286-300x224.jpg)
Treatment of hyaluronic collagen requires small injections.
Angelina and Kylie have their own lip look, and so do you, one that balances and accentuates your natural face and expressions.
Sweet Injections for Lip Enhancement
According to statistics, there’s been a steady rise in lip injections, “including Botox and many types of injections and soft tissue fillers.”
As we have noted previously, Kybella as well as Botox, collagen and your own fat injections will help bring you the perfect answers to your quest for a perfect, cushiony pucker.
We can also encourage your penchant for taking “selfie” portraits, because with soft, sweet, smiling lips, you can look your best.
From subtle to dramatic, we can help you find the right look in time for your Valentine’s Day dinner date. You only have to find that perfect person deserving of your best dreamy or passionate kiss.
Or Plump Your Lips For The Selfie!
Show your lips some love with one of our treatments from Orlando Cosmetic Surgery. Meanwhile, moisturize and exfoliate them often.
This “feel good” treatment can boost your confidence. So, think of how good you really can look in your selfie shots.
As a result of “selfie”-awareness, growing numbers of “people are seeking cosmetic enhancements.”
These include injectables, laser and light-based skin rejuvenation as well as “more involved surgeries.” Whether we like it or not, Social media stands out as a driving factor in our self confidence.
Did you know, one in three facial plastic surgeons recently verified “a surge in procedures due to the way patients saw themselves on social media”
Let Orlando Cosmetic Surgery help the real you shine through a beautiful smile, framed by velvety, voluptuous lips.