Thanksgiving 2020 is sure to be unlike any other holiday of gratitude. We know that we are in the shadow of the coronavirus.  Additionally, some of you have to deal with disappointments like giving up a special trip. Likewise, you might be downsizing your holiday crowd of friends and family this year.

Yes, Thanksgiving Day is upon us. And perhaps we need to remind ourselves that gratitude needs to become part of our attitude. And yes, COVID times do present problems. However, we still should be thankful for the beauty of life at our Sarasota Thanksgiving 2020.

We must remember the spirit of gratitude is not found on a special trip or even in a sumptuous meal.  It is found in our hearts.

A Sarasota Thanksgiving 2020:  Feeling Blessed By Friends Like You

Thanksgiving 2020 is Also a Time For You.

Regardless of Age, Altiora Invites You to Enjoy the Golden Glow That Comes From Self-Confidence and Special Care.

Therefore, there can be no better time than Thanksgiving, for Altiora Plastic Surgery and Medspa to express our Thanks. We send our patients and their families our gratitude for their support. Additionally, we thank our staff and our co-workers for their loyalty.

Wishes and Kisses for Sarasota Thanksgiving 2020

Once again we thank the city and the culture of Sarasota for embracing our family and our practice. We are relatively new residents here. Therefore, we are truly blessed by the warmth of our community and the rich bounty of our natural wonders.

Sarasota Thanksgiving Alert

Although we have posted this type of warning previously, we must give you a special Holiday alert. This is the time of year that will bring you tempting offers from plastic surgery and medspa service providers. Many of these are illicit or performed by poorly trained personnel.

Although it saddens us to say it, there are new scams that take advantage of women who want to improve their health, beauty, and self-confidence. To set the record straight, please note:

  • The procedures at Altiora Plastic Surgery and Med-Spa require careful dosage. They also depend on delicate administration.
  • We implore you to remember procedures like those at Altiora Plastic Surgery & Medspa should only be prescribed and administered in a medical environment.
  • Like we have said many times previously, these procedures do not belong in the backroom closet of a beauty salon.

For Your Sarasota Thanksgiving: Invest in a Few Winter Wonders for Yourself

In spite of the Holiday rush, we invite you to arrange a little special time for yourself.  As we have said previously, you will find your Sarasota sanctuary of health and beauty at Altiora Plastic Surgery and Medspa.

Sarasota Thanksgiving 2020:  Sparkle and Shine

Thanksgiving 2020 is a Time For Family. But, It Is Also a Time For Glamor.

Daily Treatment of Your Lips and Eye Lashes Can Boost Your Self-Confidence and Glamor.

Every day here at Altiora, we are grateful to see the faces of our clients who have found new self-confidence because of the work we do and the care we give. We invite you to give yourself a little touch of extra healthy attention and glamour in honor of your Sarasota Thanksgiving 2020. Small treatments can give you a big boost. Sarasota Thanksgiving and Holiday events are upon us:

So, we invite you to renew, refresh, and re-invigorate your well-being and self-confidence.  In our previous blog, we told you about the amazing technology of the Red Carpet Facial. Here are two more ways to thank yourself just for being you, and boost your well-being and self-confidence.

One:  Wear That Sarasota Shine for Your Holiday Kisses

One way to energize your holiday spirit and revitalize your faith in your Sarasota holiday look is to invest in the vitality of your lips. Our lip treatments are unbelievably popular this season in Sarasota, just as they were last year. The look is not exaggerated. We know the style:  Full, subtle, and individualized lips. We realize your lips are your timeless signature of personalized beauty. Here in Sarasota, Altiora Plastic Surgery & Medspa does not believe in overdoing lips and making them unnatural.

No Matter How Large Or Small Your Thanksgiving Guest List, Celebrate With a Happy Heart.

As we approach Thanksgiving and the most beautiful holiday season ahead, we put it this way: Our injections can restore youthful fullness to your lips. With precise and specialized fillers, Dr. Orlando Cicilioni and his trained healthcare staff can revitalize the rich texture of your lips.

Another way we can help you achieve the look of re-contoured and rejuvenated lips is to use injections of your own extracted and processed fat cells.

We Bring You Lovely But Natural Options for Lips

We warn you. Whether you choose our beautiful medical fillers or the elegant option of your own natural fat cells, lip enhancement will encourage a 2020 season of holiday kisses. Be aware your revitalized lips will invite a great deal of Thanksgiving 2020 gratitude from your closest friend or significant other.

Two:  Thanksgiving Wishes and Butterfly Kisses of Latisse

Right now, as we approach Thanksgiving, the shopping and the cooking are no doubt consuming your holiday attention.  However, you still have time to give yourself another little boost that might energize the beauty within you. We speak of a now time-honored beauty assistant, the prescription eyelash treatment, Latisse.

Surprise Your Holiday Eyes With Latisse

Sarasota Thanksgiving Kisses Come With Our Good Wishes.

Eyelashes that sweep and flutter against a woman’s cheek continue to remain a standard of beauty. Unfortunately, time and age can be hard on your lash-line. You might notice depleting length and richness in your eyelashes.  Altiora Plastic Surgery & Medspa invites you to restore and reinvigorate this small but elegant detail of your glamourous side with Latisse. Apply Latisse daily along your lashline with care and regularity.

“With regular applications along the lash line of the upper eyelid, Latisse gradually encourages growth of longer, thicker and darker eyelashes.” (By the way,  the manufacturer cautions that it isn’t designed to be applied to the lower eyelid. )

Before you finish trimming the tree, Orlando Cosmetic Surgery hopes you will give some advance time to yourself. With a little preparation and an attentive beauty regime now, you can glow with the Sarasota Thanksgiving 2020 spirit from now until spring and beyond…

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