Medical researchers are working to identify the role for surgeons to use high-resolution ultrasound to identify problems with silicone implants. This method will help to pinpoint areas where the actual shell of the silicone breast implant has been compromised.

Once this has been discovered, the surgeon can make the necessary diagnosis and offer a solution for the patient.  Most of the testing concluded that movable, surgeon-performed, high-resolution ultrasound may be one of the more practical methods for screening silicone gel breast implants.

Ultrasound is proving to be equal to that of the MRI in detecting shell failure. Some obvious benefits over MRI, include:

  • convenience
  • cost
  • availability
  • real-time visualization of the implant

Other Purposes for high-resolution ultrasound:

Expansive purposes for portable high resolution ultrasound may include hand and facial fracture classification, vein surgery and ablation, being able to visualize formed implant motion and movement of silicone breast implant designs, identify and manage serome, and for basic breast evaluations following surgery. Many areas of beast surgery may be enhanced by using this method of detection and patient by patient diagnosis.

Patient Experience with a ruptured implant:

A ruptured breast implant causes scar tissue to form in the breast. If this isn’t taken care of by identifying the nature of the rupture and addressing it with surgery, the scar tissue may lead to the silicone gel leaking thus causing inflammation of the capsule surrounding the implant. The shape of the implant will also become distorted and the patient will experience pain and discomfort.

Long Term Health Problems with silicone gel ruptures:

There is no evidence that the ruptured silicone breast implant causes long-term health problems. However, the patient should not have to endure this prolonged condition and a solution should be found quickly to address the problem, improve the look of the silicone breast implant and relieve the patient’s discomfort caused by this condition.

Schedule a consultation to answer questions regarding Silcone Implants:

Although results vary from patient to patient, you should expect a comfortable experience rather than a painful one.  We encourage you to meet with us to discuss any issues which may concern you.  Please call or complete our “get info” form to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cicilioni.  Visit our website often as we add current news and views regarding our industry.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day from our staff at Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, LLC.



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