Sarasota shine comes with Holiday style this year.  At Altiora Plastic Surgery and Medspa, we begin with our warmest Holiday Wishes from our Family to yours.  Happy Holidays!

May all your dreams come true this Holiday Season! We wish you the warmth of family, friends and fun as we approach the blessed and beautiful Christmas Holiday Season.

Sarasota Shine Comes Your Way With Holiday Greetings and Gratitude This Winter

Sarasota Shine for Natural Beauty and Glamour.

Sarasota Shine Brings You Youthful Beauty from Your Holiday Sanctuary, Altiora Plastic Surgery and Med Spa.

Without your trust, we could not achieve the success we have enjoyed this year. Meanwhile, “Dr. C” and the Staff of Altiora Plastic Surgery & Medspa believe that Christmas is the perfect time for gratitude as well as gifts. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks for your patronage, friendship, and support.

Invest in Yourself:  Shine in the Sarasota Holiday Glow

At Altiora Plastic Surgery and Medspa We hope you take a little time prior to the holidays. Revitalize your healthy beauty regime. We do not have many days before we must be prepared to be our best with friends and family at holiday events.

A Special Sarasota Shine Alert:  Beware of Too-Good-to-Be-True Offers

Although we have posted this type of warning previously, we must give you a special Holiday alert. This is the time of year that will bring tempting offers from plastic surgery and spa service providers who are illicit or poorly trained. Although it saddens us to say it, every year we hear of new scams that take advantage of women who want to improve their health, beauty and self-confidence.

  • The procedures at Altiora Plastic Surgery and Med-Spa require careful dosage. They also depend on delicate administration.
  • We implore you to remember procedures like those at Altiora Plastic Surgery & Medspa should only be prescribed and administered in a medical environment
  • Like we have said previously, these procedures do not belong in the back room closet of a beauty parlor.

Invest in a Few Winter Wonders for Yourself

In spite of the last minute Holiday rush, we invite you to arrange a little special time for yourself. As we have said previously, your sanctuary of health and beauty at Altiora Plastic Surgery and Medspa awaits you.

The Holiday Shine of Self Confidence: We’re Making Sarasota Shine

We invite you to give yourself a little touch of extra glamour and healthy attention. Small details and treatments can give you a big boost. Holiday events are upon us:  So, renew, refresh and re-invigorate your well-being and self-confidence.  Here’s how:

Wear That Sarasota Shine for Your Holiday Kisses:  Luscious Lips

One way to energize your holiday spirit and revitalize your faith your holiday look is to invest in the vitality of your lips. Certainly, our lip treatments are as unbelievably popular this season in Sarasota, as they were last year. Remember, the look is not exaggerated. We know the style:  Full and subtle lips. They are a timeless statement of beauty. We do not believe in overdoing lips and making them unnatural.

At Altiora Plastic Surgery and Medspa, we put it this way: Our injections can restore youthful fullness to your lips. Thus, with precise and specialized fillers, Dr. Orlando Cicilioni and his trained healthcare staff can revitalize the rich texture of your lips.

Another way we can help you achieve the look of re-contoured and rejuvenated lips is to use injections of your own extracted and processed fat cells.

Sarasota Shine Brings You Lovely But Natural Options for Lips

We warn you. Whether you choose our beautiful medical fillers or the elegant medical option of your own natural fat cells, lip enhancement encourages more holiday kisses.

Soft inviting lips are attractive at any age. We encourage you to invest in your renewed and amazing smile. The lips that frame that smile will look a little younger and a little better, but it’s you, shining through. The guests at your holiday party will know you look a little better, a little more glamorous, but they won’t guess the reason.

Invest in the Winter Wonder of the Newest Skin Technology

Find Your Sarasota Shine with Luscious Lips and Touchable Skin.

Luscious Lips and Beautiful Skin: Give Yourself a Special Christmas Gift from Altiora Plastic Surgery and Med Spa.

At Altiora Medspa we know Thermi-smooth technology has forever changed the standard of skin beauty. This painless, relaxing technology, creates smoother, firmer skin for any age. If you are looking older than you feel because of eye bags or crepey skin texture, but you’re not looking for a surgical correction, this could be your best option.

Do marionette lines bother you?  Do your smile lines ruin your smile?  Then check out our Thermi-Smooth treatments.

Your Personal Sarasota Shine In a Winter Wonder:  The ThermiSmooth® Face!

As we have noted previously, the tip of the ThermiTouch does not grate, puncture, lacerate, cut or abrade the surface of your skin. It is small enough to treat:

  • The delicate tissue under your eyes,
  • Tiny, feathery  vertical lines that might have formed with time, above the elegant arch of your lips.
  • Smile lines, marionette lines and the bothersome net of tiny dry lines that might be forming from fatique, dehydration or simply aging.

The trendy beauty blog, Black Book recently reported, “The ThermiSmooth Face has been referred to as the Spanx® for the under eye area so should definitely be considered when dealing with under eye bags or crepey eyelids.”

Certainly, the above treatments are designed to treat your physical well-being, for your holiday spirit, we recommend counting your Blessings.

Shining Sarasota Spirit:  Research on Counting Your Blessings

Tis’ the Season to Count Your Blessings.  And we recently found that you can count them in a very specialized way, just as we count down the days until Christmas.

1.   First, focus on each activity in your day.

“Whether it’s taking a shower or cycling to work, commit to it with your full presence.”

2. Secondly, in order to appreciate them, we must enjoy the simple pleasures of life. While we are doing that, we can also hunt for the positives in people and life events.

3. Next, make time for other people. You will shine in the eyes of your loved ones if your give them all your attention.  Are you making them compete with TV or Seri?  Shock them by giving them all your attention. Turn off the technology.

4. Most importantly, count your blessings. As you stare at one of our Sarasota sunsets, make a point of calling to mind a few things for which you can be grateful.

5. Finally, cultivate your dreams, but don’t let them breed discontent.

Nourish your wishes but don’t let them make you sick with yearning. The experts put it this way, “Nurture your dreams, but don’t let them pull you out of the present or become too attached to the outcome. Sow your seeds of intention and let the knowledge that worthwhile things take time to grow satisfy you.”

As we have for many years, previously in Orlando and now in Sarasota, we are sending out a Shining Holiday Appreciation Message to our patients, our friends, our business associates and blog readers!

As the Wonder of Christmas approaches, we wish you:

  • All the magic of the holiday season,
  • The warmth of friends,
  • And the Joy of family.

Take Care of Health and Beauty Now and it will Stay With You

Family Fun on the Beach is Part of Your Sarasota Christmas Shine.

Holiday Hearts are full of Beauty.  But beauty is More than Skin Deep! It is in our hearts that true beauty and youth shines, and in that spirit, we offer you the truest gift suggestions of Christmas:

To your enemy, forgiveness.

An opponent, tolerance.

To a friend, your heart.

A customer, service.

To all, charity.

Every child, a good example.

To yourself, respect.

~Written By Oren Arnold

The elusive quality we call Sarasota Style comes a from self-care. But it also shines from within you. And that’s why we call it Sarasota Shine, just in time for the holidays. May you enjoy health and beauty from the inside out!  Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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