According to recent studies and news articles, as well as medical journals, women in our society are publicly acknowledging the value of cosmetic surgery.

Having cosmetic surgery is not simply a matter of personal vanity.  In this economy and in the current job market,  a youthful, energetic appearance has become an investment for both sexes.

Other procedures might have collected more news coverage, but liposuction procedures increased have increased by 28% above 2012 statistics.

No More Embarrassment Over Having “Work” Done

We are seeing that there is less of a stigma on plastic surgery than in previous years. People no longer want to keep it a big secret. Perhaps this is because our current generation of

junior executives has learned to eat more healthily and participate in physical activities more often.  They simply want to “look” as healthy and strong as they “feel.”

Cosmetic Surgery:  Not Just for Show-Biz Any More!

So, let’s take a quick look at the national statistics which tell the story of  the trending  popularity of  many procedures that defy age both in figure and in face.

It is important to note that not all of these are reflected in statistics for our clinic here in Orlando, or even for our state of Florida, but across the country.

First and foremost, there has been a 35% raise in the number of breast augmentations being done.    Secondly, 75 percent more women have had breast lifts in 2014 than in 2013.

Buttock implants have risen 98 percent with a 44 percent rise in the number of buttock lifts performed over 2013.

Likewise, the minimally invasive procedures continued to gain popularity from the year 2000 until 2014.  Botox injections have increased 748 percent, which is an amazing statistical rise by any standard.

In summary, during the course of 2014,  there were 15.6 million cosmetic procedures, counting both minimally-invasive and surgical procedures, performed in the United


ASPS President Scot Glasberg, MD. stated, “The demand for plastic surgery continues to grow as medical advancements are made and technology improves resulting in a wider array of options for patientsHe added “Today, more than ever, patients are empowered with choices to achieve the results they are seeking…”

However,  the consistent results and rising popularity of cosmetic surgery can not be attained without good rapport between doctors and patients.  As Dr. Glasberg said, “Through open communication and a mutual understanding of

expectations, patients work closely with their surgeon to determine the procedures most appropriate for them to achieve their optimal outcomes.”

Thank you for reading the Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, LLC Blog, and please return as we continue to bring you the trends and techniques from the world of cosmetic surgery.

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