Since the big holiday coming in June is Father’s Day, we dedicate this blog to the Gentlemen. We have blogged previously about the new trends in cosmetic surgery for men, but we find it to be increasingly popular, and worthy of an update.

Cosmetic surgery for men used to be an unspoken taboo. A cultural double standard influenced men to accept wrinkles and sags as evidence of character. Many of today’s men accept the cosmetic surgeon, just as naturally as yesterday’s men accepted their barbers and tailors.  Many men are contemplating the differences in how they do look and how they could look.

Now, in the 21st century, male cosmetic surgeries are on the rise. In less than ten years, we have seen men’s cosmetic procedures increase 106 per cent. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons report that, as of 2011, 13 per cent of the performed surgeries were done for the male of the species.

On The Agenda

What motivates a man to elect today’s plastic surgery? Like many modern women, modern men work out, eat healthy and strive to maintain a professional image. With looks to match his energy level, a man can continue to be competitive in a youthful job market. This must be why the nick name for eyelid surgery has become “executive surgery.” Why should women be the only ones to look as good as they feel?  Likewise, men want to continue to be appealing to the opposite sex, and some men want to remain good looking to please their mate.

A Wardrobe of Manly Choices

The top choices of surgeries preferred by males all over the country include non-invasive as well as surgical procedures.
1. Liposuction: Whether they’re wearing a tie or a sweatshirt, men have discovered that a young looking neck is very important to a youthful image.
Liposuction can be helpful here as well as in the obvious bodily places. Cosmetic surgery is not only the province of older men. Younger men are having their six packs enhanced with the same kind of pride that ladies take in their breast enhancements.

2. Rhinoplasty: As stated below, this area of cosmetic surgery has undergone stylistic changes over the years, based on celebrity looks and pop culture. Just as a woman must discuss options with her cosmetic surgeon, so must a man.

3. Eyelid surgery: Neither males nor females underestimate the value of looking more rested and less anxious.

4. Gynecomastia: This is surgery to remove excess breast tissue, and sculpt a more manly breast.

5. Ear reshaping: With shorter haircuts, men have become more aware of their ear size and shape, and how neatly they are tucked against the head.

Profiles In Power

What is today’s successful Look for a man?  Research tells us that today’s man looks for the strength of a Square jaw. Iconic examples are Jon Hamm, Michael Fassbender, and Daniel Craig.  A few years ago, the smaller, cute noses and, sculpted but diminuitive chin were in style, like Leonado DiCaprio, Zac Efron and Tobey Maguire.

Dr. Steven Teitelbaum, an associate professor of plastic surgery at UCLA School of Medicine explained that many standards of male beauty are in constant flux. He stated, “There’s less of a desire now for a conventionally, beautiful white-bread face.” He added, “People are embracing strong features like ethnic, non-traditional noses.”

Did you know that, in lieu of full-on rhinoplasty, men are electing a nose trim? They are also finding facial balance with a little trick women have long known; add a chin implant for balance. This realization must be why chin implants have recently skyrocketed in popularity. They are 71 percent more popular than in previous years, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

We must add that the non-invasive, miraculous Botox, accompanied by fillers, is the top winner on the man’s cosmetic list. In fact, a Botox session might just be a top winner on the gift list for your Dad, or the special man in your life. He might like it better than a tie, or slippers!



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