All Mothers deserve to feel and look their best--with Orlando Cosmetic Surgery With Mother’s Day just around the corner, it seems appropriate that Orlando Cosmetic Surgery features a topic of great interest to mothers of all ages, figure types and social positions:  the Mommy Makeover.

You do not have to be Kim Kardashian or a Real Housewife Reality Star to understand how a Mommy Makeover can restore your body after the pregnancy and child rearing.

“A “Mommy Makeover” isn’t something that is just meant for celebrities like Kardashian, it is being welcomed by moms of all ages, sizes, and backgrounds.”

The Mommy Makeover can be just one procedure, but more often, this term indicates a combination of procedures.  The goal is to transform the saggy or misshapen appearance that diet and exercise do not improve.

A recent survey by “American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) shows that if cost were not an issue, 62 percent of mothers said that they would consider a “mommy makeover” that includes procedures such as a tummy tuck, breast augmentation and/or breast lift.”

The Mommy Makeover Magic

The combination of procedures attracts many patients. Although recovery might take more time, the process means only going under the anesthesia once.

For dramatic effect, this surgery creates an almost magical transformation in two important areas, the tummy and the breast.

Typically, the Mommy makeover includes”You can be a mom, and have your beauty too, with Orlando Cosmetic Surgery.

1.  Breast augmentation (implants)

2.  and/or Breast lift

3.  Tummy tuck

4.  Liposuction

The procedure might also include:

5.  Butt lift

6.  Arm lift

7.  Many other procedures, depending on your goals for your individual “look.”

Obviously, the Mommy Makeover can be meticulously customized to your particular goals and needs. Naturally we want you to think about the final look you desire, and discuss it with your doctor.  At Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, we have a special place in our hearts for new mothers.

You will find that Dr. Orlando Cicilioni will be sensitive to your objectives for the Mommy Makeover surgery. With compassion, and experience, he can help you decide what combination of the above procedures will bring your shape to yourOrlando Cosmetic Surgery keeps mom beautiful, all her life. pre-birth standard of beauty and symmetry.

In fact, many patients report that after this surgery, they have self-confidence and better self-esteem than they ever had, in their previous physique.

On the one hand, ASPS President Phillip Haeck, MD., recently stated,  “In the last decade we’ve seen women’s attitudes about cosmetic surgery change. Today women are not afraid to admit that they love their children, but they wish their bodies looked the way they did before their first pregnancies.  And they’re not afraid to acknowledge that they may need a little help beyond a healthy diet and exercise.”

On the other hand, some new mother’s might be embarrassed by their desire to revert to their former individual look.  Orlando Cosmetic Surgery hopes to change that, and to encourage mothers, new and older, to consider the options offered to them by twenty-first century cosmetic surgical techniques.

Three Orlando Cosmetic Surgery Keys:  The Mommy Make-Over Mind-Set

1.  You are not being selfish in wishing for restoration to the look you had before you became a “Mom.”

2.  This surgery is a personal celebration of your achievement in becoming a mother.

3.  Just because you are a mom doesn’t mean that are no longer sensual and beautiful.

Cosmetic surgery can help you achieve your most positive self-image and, at Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, we are pledged to making Mothers feel young and lovely all their lives.

You can read more about the Mommy Makeover in a recent expert article from Plastic Surgery Practice, at this reliable online resource.

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