In breast construction surgery, your surgeon may recommend a material for your procedure called AlloDerm. This material is a dehydrated sheet of sterile tissue donated from human cadaver skin. When used in breast surgeries,  It serves as a support system where internal structures may have been compromised by breast cancer or other deformaties. AlloDerm is also used for breast reconstruction with implants on those patients that need additional support for a smooth, natural appearance.

Patients are given an opportunity to choose the size implant they want by first examining the implant material and deciding on a size suitable.

The size of the breast implant should be discussed with your surgeon.  The surgeon will assist you in choosing a size that will look best for your body type based upon your normal weight, height and body type.

The AlloDerm tissue helps to create a type of internal bra which holds the implant in place. In other words, there is less migration of the implant when this material is used.  It also preserves the overall shape of the new breast tissue and is widely used to mask ripples and edges that may show on patients with thin skin or those that have requested larger breast implants.

Produced by a company called LifeCell, it is available from approved tissue banks. The tissue undergoes a special process to remove the epidermis as well as the cells. AlloDerm is prepared in various size sheets and can be cut to specific patient needs. It is used to cover abdominal wall defects or in breast reconstruction to cover the implant or tissue expander.

Although AlloDerm tends to last a long time within the body, over time, it is difficult to predict how long the material will last before being absorbed into the body due to different skin types, etc.

Some patients undergoing a mastectomy followed by a revision breast surgery may avoid the use of an expander and the expansion by the use of AlloDerm. In this “one-step” process, the. breast implant is covered by the pectoralis muscle and AlloDerm (an acellular dermal graft) is used for additional tissue support. Many surgeons prefer this to offer a single-stage procedure to patients undergoing prophylactic, nipple-sparing mastectomy.

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