First of all, we hope you had a marvelous Valentine Day, and we wish you a very Happy Valentine Week!

That is why we are addressing today’s skin improvement tips from our hearts to yours.  We know you are aware of some of the healthy skin tips below.  However, some of these are not just ordinary skincare tips!

You really might be unaware of these skin health habits.  You might not even realize how much your skin could be improved with very little effort.

For more information, we want to inform our readers that the online resource for OBAGI has some detailed medical advice for the care and treatment of your skin.

Orlando Cosmetic Surgery takes good care of your skin.

1. Are You a Perpetual Frowner? Perhaps your tension goes into your facial expression muscles.  Consider your “neutral” or “go-to” expression.  Be aware that repetitive facial expressions cause lines such as frown lines to deepen, crack and extend.

2.  Swear Off  Sun Worshipping:  Whether you choose natural sun or a tanning salon, please give it up!

Not only are you encouraging skin cancer, but the harmful UV rays are scientifically proven to cause premature ageing.

Are you seeing a fresh crop of fine lines?  Are you noticing those grand-motherly age spots?
Is your face getting blotchy?  All of the above  are symptoms of unprotected sun exposure.

Use your sunscreen and stop flirting with skin cancer.  In addition to avoiding the sun and using sunscreen, be aware of these skin care facts in this article from the American Academy of Dermatology.

3. Don’t Write Your Own Skin-scriptions!

We know you are probably using skincare without prescriptions, but if you must use items you buy at the grocery store or the discount drugstore, follow the directions on the label or the back of the bottle.

There are products sold right over-the-counter which can have harmful effects on your skin cells if you use too much of them or apply them too often.  If you are using a prescription product, follow your clinician’s or aesthetician’s advice, and use the products only as you are directed or prescribed.

Likewise, avoid keeping your skin products on the shelf for too long.  Experts from OBAGI Skin products tell us, “The expected shelf life of a cosmetic product is 12 to 36 months depending on storage and if opened/used.  We recommend replacing the product after it has been open for one year.”

4. Seriously? Stop If It Hurts! Unless a product is prescribed by a health care giver, a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon, it should not sting or burn you.  It is true that some prescription products might burn or sting, but over-the-counter skin treatments should not do so.

Chances are, if a prescription is supposed to tingle, your cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist will warn you in advance.

So, if a skin product hurts you, stop using it.  Even if your product is a prescription product, if it is burning, be sure to tell your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon.

5. Do Not Give Up On Your Skin Health: Many patients can not wait until products have enough time to create the desired effects.  Moisturizer can plump up some lines and give you a few dramatic results quickly, but most products take time to create the effects you want.

At Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, we have the latest advancements in skin health science.

So, remember,  you might have to give your skin cells a few weeks or months before you can see an improved texture or glow in the mirror.

Be patient; skin improvement is one cell at a time!

6. Honestly, Are You Still Smoking? Even if society doesn’t know you smoke, your skin knows you are a secret smoker.  Even if you tell yourself you only occasionally sneak a cigarette, you are damaging skin cells.

If you smoke, stop!  We won’t even list the health problems cigarettes can cause because today we are focused on skin.   If you smoke you are condemning your skin to:

a. Early old age,

b. Yellowish discoloration,

c. Dull complexion,

d. and both wrinkles and pucker lines.

In the old days, women had an excuse for leathery, sun damaged, cigarette-smoke-damaged skin.  They could claim they did not know about the habitual damage.

They also did not have the advantage of the beautiful array of skin products available today.

At Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, we are so pleased that we see many women of the 21st century becoming more and more aware that their lifestyle habits of today are building the skin they will be in when tomorrow comes.

Getting educated about your skin also involves awareness of melanoma and other forms of skin cancer as recently reported by the Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology.

Check newest skin facts and statistics at a nicely abbreviated report on risk factors of melanoma.


Orlando Cosmetic Surgery brings youth and beauty to your skin. Greetings:   From  Dr. Orlando Cicilioni’s Skin Care Professionals

at Orlando Cosmetic Surgery Medi Spa!

Out of Dr. Orlando Cicilioni’s care for your skin health  has grown  the Orlando Cosmetic Surgery Medi Spa.

We offer treatments and products that will make your skin happier, healthier and younger-looking all your life.

Special Note: Although Valentine’s Day is over, we are still maintaining our treatment-with-purchase special on our

OBAGI Nu-skin 7 piece sets until the end of February.


This offer is straight from our hearts to yours; make reservations with Lea, our licensed aesthetician.

To see details of the amazing Nu-Skin  treatment system, just visit our previous Orlando Cosmetic Surgery blog

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