The Doctors And Staff of Orlando Cosmetic Surgery
believe that the our success can only be measured in the goodwill of the friends we make, and the patients we serve.
This is the perfect time of year to express our gratitude for your friendship and support.
We send a shining Holiday “Thank you” to our patients, our friends, our business associates and blog readers.
We hope that 2014 will bring you the wonder of the holiday season!
We always say that the heart of Christmas, New Years and Every Holiday is the celebration of quality family time.
We celebrate this time when we pause to count our blessings.
We celebrate the beauty all around us.
We celebrate the joy that comes from charity in our hearts when we give time and talent to others in need.
We sincerely hope you will enjoy a coming year filled happiness and health, and blessed with
peace and posterity.
Amidst the high energy of fun, food and family, we have but one request: Take care of yourself. Remember to take good care of your winter holiday skin. The magic words for the season are moisturizer, sunscreen, and Obagi! (We personally invite you to see our staff for an Obagi skin care consultation.)
A Special Holiday Quotation For You: “What is Christmas?
It is tenderness for the past,
Courage for the present,
Hope for the future.
It is a fervent wish that every cup may over-flow with blessings rich and eternal,
and that every path may lead to peace. ~By Agnes M. Pharo