Breast reconstruction involves a surgical procedure which restores the breasts after a patient has undergone a mastectomy which may be due to cancer, some birth deformity, a tramatic injury or other cause.   Many patients (knowing about and having the breast cancer gene in their immediate family) are now choosing a mastectomy to prevent worrying about cancer in the future.

Going forward with breast reconstruction following the mastectomy may bring one or both breasts to a normal shape and size.  The procedure is a popular choice for those woman who have suffered the stress of dealing with and going through the stessful process of  treating breast cancer.  It is a procedure which also allows closure after receiving a clean bill of health.  Patients receive a much needed boost to their ego which has been damaged during the process of fighting cancer.

Before deciding on breast reconstruction surgery however it is always wise to consult your physician and also to check with your insurance company to determine if any of the costs are covered. Otherwise, the patient will be required to pay out of pocket for all expenses incurred with the procedure.

Your procedure may or may not be covered dependant upon your insurance carrier’s criteria. At Orlando Cosmetic Surgery, LLC, we do require that you get written confirmation prior to the procedure regarding coverage available.

Dr. Orlando Cicilioni is a board certified surgeon, skilled in the breast reconstruction procedure. He has been named a top doctor in Orlando and has recently been in the media spotlight discussing breast reconstruction and the latest surgical methods available.

We urge you to set up a consultation to discuss this procedure with Dr. Cicilioni if you are considering a breast reconstruction in the Central Florida area.  One of the things that will be discussed at your consultation is your realistic expectations for your surgical results.

Since breast reconstruction is not the same as breast augmentation the results of your procedure may vary from patient to patient. Materials used, technique and the amount of tissue to be replaced will be explained in detail at your consultation. Dr. Cicilioni will discuss your ideal desire in terms of size, shape, angle, symmetry, feel and sensation. All of this additional information will help you focus on a more positive outcome.

Other options are available for women who have undergone mastectomy and have opted not to have breast reconstruction surgery.  Prostheses that fit into bras and clothing offering a natural looking shape for your body can be considered as well.

The choice to have or not to have reconstructive surgery is very personal decision for each patient. Take additional time to meet with several physicians (board certified) to find the perfect solution. Risks will also be discussed at your consultation. You need to know all information to make an informed decision. Choose carefully and take advantage of all of the information available to you when making this all important choice.  Thanks for stopping by …Hurry back!


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