Cancer Reconstruction

s/p bilateral nipple sparing mastectomy for BRCA II gene positive state 3 mo s/p one stage reconstruction with Allergan style 20-300ml silicone gel implants

Implant: Mentor Silicon gel 650 ml HP / 36D / PostOp taken at 10 months

Pre-existing saline breast implants. Patient developed right breast cancer. Patient underwent Rt. Mastectomy, Chemo, XRT, and reconstruction with Allergan Silicone implant (45-650ml) and Lt. Mastopexy with new silicone implant (20-450ml)

Bilateral nipple-sparing mastectomy reconstructed with Allergan Style 45 550ml silicone implants

Implant: Mentor HP gel / Right:450ml Left:450ml

B/L Mastectomy and TRAM for Right Breast Cancer

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

Patient with breast cancer who underwent bilateral nipple sparring mastectomy with infra-areolar incision and two stage reconstruction with Allergan 45-400 Full Profile Silicone Gel breast implants

Implant: Mentor 300 ml HP gel / PostOp taken at 2 weeks

Implant: Mentor HP gel round / Right:650ml Left:225ml / Comment: History of radiation therapy on right breast. Used Dermamatrix to enhance right breast shape and size

Implant Allergan HP gel/ Right 20-500ml L

B/L Mastectomy and Reconstruction with L.D. Flaps (Latissimus Dorsi) and implants

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruciton

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction